
The Project

Aims of the project

  1. Create collaborative links between schools, universities and educational bodies, in order to improve existing practices, research and create new projects addressing gifted students.

  2. Train minimum 12 teachers from each partner institution (and minimum 200 future teachers) in the topic of giftedness

  3. Exchange good practices among project partners in order to enrich the existing projects of the different schools.

  4. Create a database with minimum 8 programs/projects applicable on gifted students which will be used in the sustainability phase of the project

  5. Elaborate 1 cooperative study into different aspects related to giftedness in order to enhance the scientific focus in the first 2 project years, which will be used by the partner schools for the improvement of the programme in the third year.

The project TALENT focuses on the horizontal priority of social inclusion. All the actions that will be carried out in the project pretend to promote ownership of shared values, equality, social inclusion, diversity and non-discrimination. There are also two additional priorities in the project: tackling early school leaving and

disadvantage and strengthening the profile of the teaching professions.

The beneficiary party are students, who are capable of exceptional performance by their outstanding abilities.

They require differentiated provisions by teachers and programs beyond regular school program to release their contribution to self and society. As a consequence, teachers belong to the target group because their performance will be essential when offering this improvement in the school, universities or educational centres

since they will gain new knowledge and skills of which students will benefit for years to come.

During the project the participant institutions will meet 12 times.

TPM: Each country will host a project meeting to coordinate and develop the common website with the different partners’ results and outcomes. These will ensure the quality of teachers training events. In total of 16 people (2 per institution) form the core group responsible for the project management and implementation activities. The input for the project’s website and its partners’ programs and projects come from the short-term joint staff trainings organized as teacher training weeks in each partner institution.

TTM: Each country will host one teacher training meeting of 5 days long which will be focused on sharing each partner's success in providing educational support for gifted and talented students. Outside experts will be involved to multiply the benefit of trainings provided. Combining the exchange of good practices from eight

institutions (schools, universities, regional public body) and experts across EU through aforementioned activities will help partners to involve gifted and talented students to each partnering institution's educational support system.

All partnering schools will create outputs and results which will be divided in different phases and will be

presented on a website:

  1. Analyses of the context and school projects’ applicability and creation of an improvement planning. This will be focused on the educational training, the research done, and the current programs for gifted students. Each institution will enrich or create new programs and projects that help improve the shortcomings detected.

  2. Implementation of new programs and projects. There will be a revision of the project or program implemented and an improvement proposal.

  3. Assessment and actions for the continuity plans.

This project will be crucial to meet the needs of gifted and talented students and to promote the inclusion of the students thanks to the research done, the links created, and the programs implemented. The project gives an answer to one of the UNESCO goals Objective 4 from SDG.

The dissemination and sustainability actions will help spread the results locally, regionally, and internationally.

Different scientific studies are going to be developed and published in scientific journals during the present

project. The website will support the sustainability of TALENT.